Album 3 Recording Begins

Songs are written, demos are done, cuts are made, sound engineer has been hired. It’s time to properly get this thing started.

I’m going to be honest, I dread the tracking part. Plenty of artists track themselves without help, but it fills me with great anxiety. I call it “Red Light Syndrome.” That stupid blinking red light kills me.

I’ve got a bit before I get there, though. I want to the drums to breathe more on this album, so there’s a lot of editing ahead of me. Don’t get me wrong, I still want the drums to beat the shit out of your lower intestines and rattle your car mirrors, but I recognize a lot of mistakes I’ve made on my previous releases and don’t want to repeat them. I know the drums are programmed, and that’s already a huge strike against me in a lot of peoples’ books, but I still want to make these things sound the best that I can.

So… here we go.


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